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Build Your Sex Arsenal – Blog

To Consent…Or Nah…

08.02.2018 in Sex Arsenal Blog

Last week I was interviewed by YES! Magazine, a magazine dedicated to various aspects of social justice, the interviewer told me that I told them something different than any other person has said before when it concerns consent. Right now, we see and we know…

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It’s Cuffing Season! (Literally!)

16.11.2017 in Sex Arsenal Blog

As we continue through cuffing season, we know that single folks are steadily trying to figure out who they can cuddle up with for the winter and the couples (or more) are trying to figure out new kinky moves to foster that creative sexual spark! …

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Are You Entitled to a Black Woman’s Body?

25.09.2017 in Sex Arsenal Blog

Entitled: believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment As I sit here in Washington DC for the Black Reproductive Justice Summit (#BlackRJSummit17), I’ve realized a lot of things when it comes to Black women’s bodies and it’s reflective of the things…

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Women! Stop Waiting for Your Orgasms!

15.09.2017 in Sex Arsenal Blog

Generally, about 80% of women do not have orgasms through penetrative sex.  So what does this mean? Logically, it means, women need to have other kinds of sex besides penetration.  Penetration can be fun, and it can even lead to orgasm, but for the most…


7 Things You Need For Great Sex

01.09.2017 in Sex Arsenal Blog

Today, on the How We Talk About Sex podcast, Eric asked me a really great question and I thought it would be the perfect blog to write.  He asked me, “What constitutes great sex?” I really loved this question because it helped me realize a…

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Do You Pay Your Sex Bill?

20.07.2017 in Sex Arsenal Blog

You’re probably thinking, “what the hell are you talking about, woman?” I’m talking about investing in your sex life.  What are you doing today to invest in your sex life? Some folks go to the sex shop to buy new sex toys that they could…

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Are You Managing Your Orgasms?

23.06.2017 in Sex Arsenal Blog

Yesterday, I was listening to this great TED Talk about managing your time, or “procrastinating on purpose.”  I’m always so busy and I really needed to get some coaching about time management, so I figured I should listen to this while doing my ab and…

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