Velvet Lips | Marla’s 5 M’s to Upholding Your New Year Sexual Resolutions
Velvet Lips is one of Atlanta’s first sex-positive sex education venues offering classes and workshops using Somatic Sex Education and other techniques to foster personal discovery, open dialogue, and increase sexual awareness.


Marla’s 5 M’s to Upholding Your New Year Sexual Resolutions

03 Jan 2018, by Marla Stewart in Sex Arsenal Blog

We are at that time of the year again where we are thinking about our resolutions and goals for the new year. If you read my blog last year, you should know that I highly recommend you having sexual resolutions for the year and making sure that you adhere to them to ensure that the quality of your sex life will be fantastic.

However, there is one thing. Most people who have these resolutions end up abandoning them after a few weeks or a couple of months. Most people don’t even get past 6 months! So instead of giving you advice on sexual goals you can have for the next year, I want to help you by giving you the tools you need to support your patience while you try to keep to your sexual goals.

The first M is Moisten. As in moisten your mouth. Having 2 glasses of water (16 ounces) handy in the morning when you wake up helps get your body and brain going and working to the best of its ability. It aids in digestion and gives your brain that extra kick that it already has when you first wake up. Besides, your brain in the morning can hold some of the most valuable ideas and aid in your productivity. When you get your brain and body going, you can remind yourself of your sexual goals and keep these in your head throughout the day.

The second M is Meditation. Using meditation regularly for 10 minutes each day allows you to de-stress and tap into your intuition. It helps you to foster happiness and can often encourage you to live a better and more meaningful life. Relying on meditation to fuel your positive sexual affirmations will help you lock in your goals subconsciously and get the results psychologically.

The third M is Masturbation. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. When you masturbate to your life’s desires, you can manifest some powerful things in your life. You can get the things you want just by thinking about them and conjuring up your sexual energy. Remember, orgasms are those brief moments of enlightenment, so who wouldn’t want to get there every single day; especially if it helps with the creation of your destiny and fulfilling your sexual goals.

The fourth M is Movement. Moving your body in the morning, AKA exercising, is a great way to get the body flowing with good, positive, sexual energy. We all know that when you exercise, you feel a bit sexier and it supplies you with vitality you need to flourish throughout your day. When you feel sexier, you are sexier, and when you release that sweat and those pheromones, you attract people in your life. The more people you attract, the more opportunities you have to foster your sexual growth. Remember, the creation of new ideas is what spawns ingenuity in your sexual life.

The fifth M is Maintenance. When we’re doing all these other things throughout the day, we often forget that we can appeal to our sexual goals by doing something so simple – our pelvic floor exercises. When we are sitting at our desks or having a little down time, we have to do our exercises in order to properly maintain our sexual energy and drive. When people lose their sexual energy or desire, it’s usually rooted in them not being active or activating those muscles. And maintenance doesn’t just mean using those exercises, it also means that you’re doing self-care, as necessary. A lot of the times when I see clients, they aren’t doing anything to help them maintain their mental and sexual health, which can be very detrimental to their lives. Whatever maintenance is to you, flush it out and make sure that you work it!

All of these things are to help you create healthy habits in your lifestyle. Following these 5 simple steps can ensure you to healthy and happy future, and most of all help you to see your new sexual goals and resolutions flourish!

Cheers to your sexual success!

