Velvet Lips | 2014 January
Velvet Lips is one of Atlanta’s first sex-positive sex education venues offering classes and workshops using Somatic Sex Education and other techniques to foster personal discovery, open dialogue, and increase sexual awareness.

January 2014

Casual Sex Pros & Cons

22.01.2014 in Sex Arsenal Blog

Most people have experienced casual sex in one form or another. Whether it’s a one-night stand or dating possibility, most of us engage in casual sex for a variety of reasons. If you’ve thought about having casual sex, but just don’t know how it will…

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Up Your Hand Game

15.01.2014 in Sex Arsenal Blog

How to Up Your Hand Game “How do I prevent my hand and arm from getting tired when I’m fingering her?” Fingering someone takes a lot of arm and hand strength, so my first recommendation is to make sure that your arm is up for…

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5 Easy Steps to Relieve Your Pain

08.01.2014 in Sex Arsenal Blog

Feeling some pain? Then have some sex! When we are in pain, sex isn’t our number one go-to when it should be. Not only can the effects last for up to two days, but it relieves most types of pains, including migraines/headaches, menstrual cramps, back…

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