Velvet Lips | 2014 March
Velvet Lips is one of Atlanta’s first sex-positive sex education venues offering classes and workshops using Somatic Sex Education and other techniques to foster personal discovery, open dialogue, and increase sexual awareness.

March 2014


The Perfect Partner

26.03.2014 in Sex Arsenal Blog

Currently, I’m reading a book about sex research and what scientists have found in recent studies. I have to say, it’s really advantageous to be in school right now and have access to the most current research studies regarding sexuality. Although this book was published…

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Penis 101

20.03.2014 in Sex Arsenal Blog

Since I’ve made it very clear for everyone that the vulva is very important because of all its wonderful and magical parts, I figured that it’s the penis’ turn to get some action on this blog. They’ve waited long enough.​There are so many different parts…

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Vulva 101

12.03.2014 in Sex Arsenal Blog

Although we talk a lot about the vulva, I’ve noticed when I talk to women and men, they often don’t even know all the parts of the vulva, even when it’s their own! Not only is it my job to educate and empower individuals with…

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Get Aroused!

06.03.2014 in Sex Arsenal Blog

For some of you, the wind just has to blow and you are automatically excited and ready to have sex. For the rest of you, it might not come as easy. Maybe you’re having a “low-desire” episode in your life or maybe that new relationship…

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