Velvet Lips | 2019 July
Velvet Lips is one of Atlanta’s first sex-positive sex education venues offering classes and workshops using Somatic Sex Education and other techniques to foster personal discovery, open dialogue, and increase sexual awareness.

July 2019

Are You Sexually Intelligent?

31.07.2019 in Sex Arsenal Blog

I was scrolling through my blogging feed when I came across an article about what socially intelligent people do and how they act and behave.  I started to think about what sexually intelligent people do and how people get to attain their sexual prowess and…

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Laughter is Sexy & Healthy

02.07.2019 in Sex Arsenal Blog

When I laugh, it’s known.  It’s known down the block, at the end of the hallway, or anywhere where I’m in vocal range.  You see, I have a very boisterous laugh.  It’s loud.  My mouth is always wide open.  People tell me that they know…

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