What I learned from Understand Men Atlanta’s mini-workshop
20 Feb 2014, by Sexual Voyaging inI attended an excellent short interactive 2-hour presentation about understanding men. Created by Alison Armstrong, these workshops are aimed at relating to all the men in your life. Maybe because of my personal experience, I found some of it to be redundant in what I already know, but I realized that often, us women, we tend to want to be independent and capable to do whatever we need to do, so we often reject men – by accident and without real knowledge or realization that we’re doing it. To get past that, we need to be receptive to what men want to give us because when they are charmed and enchanted by us, they are compelled to help us, protect us, take care of us, etc, but often it looks like they want to be controlling or that we are incompetent. The top 3 things that I got from this workshop were:
1) Be sexy, confident and authentic (speak directly, too), no matter what you look like (men love you for you).
2) When a man is charmed and enchanted with you, he will do his best to please you. Let him (even if you don’t believe it or care, it’s good to give a little feedback and show that you are paying attention).
3) Have a passion and be serious about seeing it through. The more passionate you are about something, the more they want to help and interact with you to help you, so again, let him and from there you can build a strong relationship.
Remember, this doesn’t just go for your lover(s). This pertains to fathers, other family members, coworkers and everyday interactions with other men. Also, by understanding yourself, you will be able to understand men better going along that journey. This mini-workshop alone helped me to better understand my own boyfriend and it’s always great to learn something new about yourself and your lover.
In addition, I bought The Queen’s Code by Alison Armstrong and will update you about it! xoxo, marla