Harvesting Your Sexual Energy and Employing Sex Transmutation/Sublimation/Magic – Part 1
25 Jun 2014, by Sex Arsenal Blog inSo many people wonder how I do what I do. They look and talk to me and wonder how I am able to do all the things that I do. They always wonder if I ever get tired (I do) or if I’ll slow down anytime soon. The truth is, I don’t know if I’ll ever slow down, but I’m not stressed over thinking about it. I enjoy my 6 hours a night of sleep and I thrive on how many things I can accomplish in a day. Whatever I do, I know that there’s always more to do. Finding my life’s purpose is done on purpose and I revel in it.
When I think about all the things that I do, it really goes back to how I came to know my sexual power.
As far back as I can remember, I used my sexual energy to get the things that I wanted and to get things accomplished. When I hear people or clients tell me that they have a hard time tapping into their sexual power, I make it my mission to get them to know how sexually powerful they are. All it takes is a little direction and a commitment to make your life better in every possible way manageable.
Throughout my life, the subject of sexual energy has come about in a multitude of ways. The first time I heard it put into words was when I studied psychology and got to know the ways of Freud and sexual sublimation. I finally had words to explain what I did! After this, I really used my sexual energy in all sorts of ways and saw how it really played out in my life. However, I still couldn’t articulate how other people could use this energy and how they can actively change the way other people interact with them based off these simple principles.
Paschal Beverly Randolph called it “sex magic” and Napoleon Hill called it “sexual transmutation,” but the reality is, it’s the same exact thing. Randolph’s text actually gives you instructions on how to use your power and Hill explains it as a way of obtaining what you desire. Both of them share that sexual energy is the most powerful energy that we have and if we learn to direct it well, we can accomplish great and powerful things!
Are there times in your life where you’ve felt stagnant or lacked any sort of creativity? It’s easy to say, “well, just have sex!” and have that be the ‘end all, be all,’ but the reality is that it might be harder for you to use that sexual energy that you have.
The thing about sexual energy is that it helps to be spiritually in-tune. If you aren’t feeling connected to your God/Source/Universe, you might have trouble understanding and using that energy. The thing is, if you are spiritually in-tune, you probably know your life’s purpose and what you’re meant to do in this lifetime at the moment. With your purpose, you can navigate your sexual energy in a more thoughtful manner, rather than just for pure pleasure or relief from stress (although those are great, too).
A lot of times, people indulge in sex because of the way it makes them feel. Some of them don’t realize that indulging in sex gives them access to that sexual energy that they are craving. The reality is, is that you always have access to this sexual energy. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, accessing this sexual energy and using it productively is quite an amazing thing to accomplish. It’s literally like a spiral of endless creativity and blessings that funnels towards the sky.
In the second part of this blog, I’m going to help you with step-by-step ways on how to harvest that sexual energy to get you on the right track to motivate you, to find your purpose and to truly invoke your life’s most passionate desires.