Velvet Lips | Education
Velvet Lips is one of Atlanta’s first sex-positive sex education venues offering classes and workshops using Somatic Sex Education and other techniques to foster personal discovery, open dialogue, and increase sexual awareness.

Education Tag


What is Sexual Intelligence?

20.09.2014 in Sex Arsenal Blog

With all the various types of intelligences out there in the world, there is one that I’m particularly keen to and that is sexual intelligence.  Although I never framed it as sexual intelligence, essentially the keys to having a healthy sexuality lie in education, exploration…

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Vulva 101

12.03.2014 in Sex Arsenal Blog

Although we talk a lot about the vulva, I’ve noticed when I talk to women and men, they often don’t even know all the parts of the vulva, even when it’s their own! Not only is it my job to educate and empower individuals with…

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Why Velvet Lips are Personal & Political

19.08.2011 in Sex Arsenal Blog

It all started when I was in the second grade.  My mom was teaching me sex education because she didn’t want me to become a teenage mother like herself and go through what she went through.  I never thought anything of it, especially because she…

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