Velvet Lips | Velvet Lips ON AIR w/ Marla Renee Stewart on Back2Us Radio
Velvet Lips is one of Atlanta’s first sex-positive sex education venues offering classes and workshops using Somatic Sex Education and other techniques to foster personal discovery, open dialogue, and increase sexual awareness.


Velvet Lips ON AIR w/ Marla Renee Stewart on Back2Us Radio


July 27, 2014

Back2Us, Sexuality

Marla Renee Stewart, MA is a professional sex, intimacy and relationship coach and sex educator. Gaining her reputation for being “The Sex Architect,” she created Velvet Lips, LLC to empower people of all ages to embrace, educate and enjoy their sexuality and their sexual lives. She has studied human sexuality for more than 13 years at San Francisco State University and Georgia State University, respectively, and has expert knowledge in a wide variety of subjects. She has published academic articles and continues to do sexuality research. She has conducted workshops at conferences, not-for-profit and private organizations, as well as universities in the Atlanta area. She has been featured on many radio shows, documentaries, books, magazines and has been invited to speak at Universities around the country.

Now, she is joining Back2Us Radio as the host of our newest show Velvet Lips on Air. Those who have attended her workshops always say “No one teaches sex education like Marla”.

Tune in the 3rd Sunday of each month for an hour of sexual empowerment.

For more detailed information, please go to her personal website: or to check out upcoming workshop or show topics, visit

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