Velvet Lips | Do You Have Sexual Stigma?
Velvet Lips is one of Atlanta’s first sex-positive sex education venues offering classes and workshops using Somatic Sex Education and other techniques to foster personal discovery, open dialogue, and increase sexual awareness.


Do You Have Sexual Stigma?


After the addiction discussion, I got an email from a woman who told me that there wasn’t such thing as sex addiction.  But as we exchanged emails, I realized that she was battling with sexual stigma – not addiction – which is why she attributed her behavior as normal (in which it was).  At the time, I told her that her seeking pleasure surely was not addiction – and as I examined her case, further, I realized that the shame and guilt that she was experiencing was rooted in stigma – public and self-stigma…

Velvet Lips Titbits are little short morsels of information that come to you at just the right time. They are lovely little lessons for the week (and for life) that help you navigate your sexuality with super easy pieces of information to keep in mind. Listen for details and pull out the core issues that will help you in your everyday life.
